Squadi - Appointments & Match Cards

Squadi Guide - Video

Downloading Squadi

MDFRA uses Squadi for referee appointments. To register, use the same email address as your PlayFootball account.

📲 Download Squadi:
🔗 Apple | 🔗 Android


Having Issues with Squadi?

If you experience any issues, please email appointments@mdfra.com.au with:
✔ A clear description of the issue
✔ Screenshots (if applicable)

Logging in

Referee Squadi accounts are set up using the email address registered in PlayFootball.


You should have received an email with your login password (please check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t seen it).


If you cannot find the email, please use the Forgot/Reset Password option in Squadi to create a new password and regain access.

Setting Availability

Referees can set their availability in Squadi by navigating to:
More > Referee Availability


📌 Important: If you do not see this option, it means you have not yet been added as a referee.


How to Set Your Availability:

  1. Select the week you are updating.
  2. Your availability blocks will initially appear red (unavailable).
  3. Tap to change them to green (available).
  4. Click Save to confirm your availability.

Receiving appointments

Referees will receive a push notification and email when they have been assigned an appointment.


How to Respond to an Appointment:

  • You can accept or decline the appointment by selecting Yes or No.
  • You will have 24 hours to accept or decline an appointment. After this time, the appointment will be reassigned.

Match Card - Home

Viewing Team Sheets, Match Officials, Team Officials and Reporting Incidents

Referees can click on the match card in Squadi, which will take them to the match details screen.

From there, you’ll be able to view key match information and manage your assignments.


Match Card - Team Sheet

Once you access the match card in Squadi, you will be able to:

   ✅ Edit submitted Team Sheets
   ✅ Edit submitted Team Officials
   ✅ View & Contact fellow appointed Match Officials
   ✅ Report Incidents

Match Card - Submitting Match Results

At the conclusion of the match, referees need to tap on ‘Verify Action Log & Scores’ to proceed to the verification screen.


From there, you can review and confirm match events before finalising the report.

Match Card - Fouls and Goals

In the ‘Verify Action Log & Scores’ screen;

  1. Click ‘Timeline +’ to enter goals and offences by player.
    • Goal scorers are only required for M-League Matches.
  2. Once completed, tap ‘Verify’ to finalize the match.
  3. The match will then be removed from your schedule.

Match Card - Score and Match Submission

When entering the match scores:

  1. Input the scores for both teams.
  2. If a team has 0, do not select the zero to change it.
  3. Review all details to ensure accuracy.
  4. If everything is correct, click ‘YES’ to finalise the match.